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CLI Commands ​

Launchpad provides several commands to manage your media installations. Each command can be run using npx launchpad <command> or just launchpad <command> if installed globally.

Start Command ​

launchpad start [options]

The start command is the primary way to launch your application. It:

  1. Downloads fresh content from configured sources
  2. Starts and monitors configured applications
  3. Initializes health monitoring if configured

Stop Command ​

launchpad stop [options]

The stop command gracefully shuts down all Launchpad processes:

  • Stops all monitored applications
  • Kills any existing PM2 instances
  • Cleans up temporary files

Content Command ​

launchpad content [options]

Use this command to manage content independently:

  • Downloads fresh content from all configured sources
  • Runs content transformations
  • Updates local content cache
  • Does not start or affect running applications

This is useful for updating content without restarting applications.

Monitor Command ​

launchpad monitor [options]

The monitor command focuses on application management:

  • Starts configured applications
  • Monitors for crashes and restarts as needed
  • Collects process statistics
  • Does not download or update content

Use this when you want to restart applications without refreshing content.

Scaffold Command ​

launchpad scaffold [options]

This command configures Windows PCs for exhibit environments:

  • Requires administrative privileges
  • Configures Windows kiosk mode
  • Optimizes power settings
  • Sets up common exhibit configurations
  • Applies system-level settings

Global Options ​

All commands support these options:

--config, -cPath to your JS config filestring
--env, -ePath(s) to your .env file(s)array
--env-cascade, -ECascade env variables from multiple .env filesstring
--helpShow help informationflag

Released under the MIT License.