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Sharp Content Plugin ​

The sharp plugin is used to transform downloaded images using the Sharp image processing library. It can resize, format convert, and apply various transformations to your images.

Usage ​

To use the sharp plugin, include it in the list of content plugins after the mediaDownloader in your configuration:

import { sharp } from '@bluecadet/launchpad-content';

export default defineConfig({
  content: {
    plugins: [
        buildTransform: (transform) => transform
          .resize(800, 600)
          .jpeg({ quality: 80 }),
        updateURLs: true

Options ​

buildTransform ​

  • Type: (transform: Sharp) => Sharp
  • Required

A function that takes a Sharp instance and returns a transformed Sharp instance. This is where you define the image transformations to apply.

mediaPattern ​

  • Type: RegExp
  • Default: /\.(jpe?g|png|webp|tiff|gif|svg)$/i

Regex pattern to match image files that should be transformed.

matchPath ​

  • Type: string
  • Optional

JSONPath-Plus compatible path to match images to transform. Overrides mediaPattern if provided.

updateURLs ​

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

When true, updates URLs in the content to point to the transformed images. Note: if you have multiple transforms targeting the same image, you should keep this as false.

keys ​

  • Type: string[]
  • Optional

Specifies which data keys to transform. If not provided, all keys will be searched for images.

concurrency ​

  • Type: number
  • Default: 4

The number of images to transform concurrently.

Released under the MIT License.