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DataStore ​

The DataStore is a file system-based storage system used to manage content during the fetch and transform process. It provides a simple API for storing and retrieving content, with support for namespaces and documents.

Core Concepts ​

Namespaces ​

Namespaces represent collections of documents from a single source. Each content source gets its own namespace, identified by the source's ID.

Documents ​

Documents are individual files containing content data. They can be either single JSON files or batched files (for paginated content).

API Reference ​

DataStore ​

createNamespace(namespaceId: string) ​

Creates a new namespace in the data store. Returns a Result containing the namespace.

namespace(namespaceId: string) ​

Gets an existing namespace. Returns a Result containing the namespace.

getDocument(namespaceId: string, documentId: string) ​

Gets a specific document from a namespace. Returns a Result containing the document.

filter(ids?: DataKeys) ​

Filters documents based on namespace and document IDs. Returns grouped results by namespace.

Namespace ​

insert<T>(id: string, data: Promise<T> | AsyncIterable<T>) ​

Inserts a new document into the namespace. Data can be a Promise for single documents or an AsyncIterable for batched documents.

document(id: string) ​

Gets a document by ID from the namespace.

documents() ​

Gets all documents in the namespace.

waitFor(id: string) ​

Returns a promise that resolves when the document with the passed ID has finished being written.

Document ​

update(cb: (data: T) => T | Promise<T>) ​

Updates document content using a callback function.

apply(pathExpression: string, fn: (x: unknown) => unknown) ​

Applies a transformation to specific paths in the document using JSONPath.

query(pathExpression: string) ​

Queries document content using JSONPath expressions.

Error Handling ​

The DataStore uses the neverthrow library for error handling. Most methods return a Result or ResultAsync type:

const namespaceResult = dataStore.namespace('my-source');
if (namespaceResult.isErr()) {
  console.error('Error:', namespaceResult.error);
} else {
  const namespace = namespaceResult.value;
  // Use namespace...

For async operations, you can use the andThen method:

await dataStore
  .andThen(namespace => namespace.insert('doc1', data));

Released under the MIT License.